
Corporate Gifts that Give Back
More and more companies are including philanthropic elements to their business as a way to give back to those in need. Whether it’s donating proceeds to a specific organization, or a buy-one-give-one model, these companies are a great place to start when thinking about Corporate gifts or giveaways. Some of them even offer the option to customize the product, helping customers associate your brand with your work to do good.

Responding to Hurricane Ida
Yesterday, Hurricane Ida made landfall in Louisiana as a powerful Category 4 hurricane, leaving millions without power. Outages expected to continue for days or even weeks in some areas. The storm has weakened, but is continuing on through Mississippi and neighboring states, leaving high winds, flooding, and more power outages in its path.

Hurricane Safety for Your Family
How to formulate a disaster plan, ensure you have the correct supplies, and regularly maintain your hurricane prep kit. In conjunction with the National Weather Service’s Hurricane Preparedness Week, we have put together some tips to help protect you and your family for hurricane season.

Responding to the Haiti Earthquake
A magnitude 7.2 earthquake struck Haiti this morning. This magnitude suggests that it may be stronger than the devastating 7.0 earthquake that struck Haiti in 2010. We are monitoring, and will be ready to assist our nonprofit partners with solar lanterns and chargers as they evaluate and respond.

Remembering the Nepal Earthquake 5 Years Later
Today marks the 5-year anniversary of this devastating earthquake, which left thousands homeless and impacted close to one third of the country’s population. This year marks the 10-year anniversary of LuminAID, and as we have reflected on the last 10 years, the Nepal Earthquake in 2015 stands out.

Nonprofit Resources for Remote Work - Discounted and Free Software
One of our big projects has been expanding the LuminAID for Nonprofits program to provide a community and resources for nonprofits that go beyond our subsidies. We have added a new Nonprofit Resources section to our website, which covers things like fundraising, discounts and grants, software, tools, and industry updat

Nonprofit Resources for Remote Work - Guides and Trainings
You can find our roundup of software for remote work here: Free or Discounted Software for Nonprofits In addition to making their software tools free or low-cost for nonprofits, many companies are also publishing guides on how to effectively transition to remote work and collaborate while staying home.

How We're Supporting Our Nonprofit Community During COVID-19
Dear Nonprofit Partners and Friends, During times of crisis, many find comfort in this well-known quote from Fred Rogers (better known as Mr. Rogers): “My mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’” Whether the crisis is an earthquake, a hurricane, or a pandemic

How COVID-19 is Impacting Humanitarian Travel and International Shipping
May 11th, 2020 With the COVID-19 coronavirus causing travel restrictions, flight cancellations, and stay-at-home orders worldwide, nonprofits who had planned on service trips or in-person aid distributions are now scrambling to adjust their plans.