Notes from the Field

Notes from the Field: Bringing Light to the Rural Artisans of Madagascar
The latest installment in our Notes from the Field series comes from Ian Gorecki, who a Peace Corps Volunteer in Madagascar. Ian recently coordinated the distribution of LuminAID lights to artisans in the Androy region of Madagascar, and shares the impact the lights have had on this community. In an area with limited resources and infrastructure, LuminAID lights have brightened prospects for the women of Tsimankiarake, Madagascar.

Notes from the Field: Katenge School, Uganda
Providing lights for Katenge School in Uganda!

Updates From the Field: Nepal Earthquake Relief
Thank you to all of our Give Light, Get Light supporters! We have been amazed by the outpouring of support that we received after the Nepal Earthquake in April. Your contributions have helped LuminAID distribute over 1,000 lights to earthquake relief efforts in Nepal, with many more on the way.