Rotary Clubs Are Pre-Qualified for our Nonprofit Subsidy Program

Children with lanterns.

Rotary Clubs Are Pre-Qualified for our Nonprofit Subsidy Program

Trusted by Nonprofits Operating in

100+ Countries

LuminAID is proud to offer nonprofit pricing for humanitarian aid & disaster relief. Rotary projects are pre-qualified for this discounted pricing. Simply fill out your project details to get started.

Designed for Disasters. Inspired by Users.

LuminAID's solar lanterns and phone chargers are engineered to withstand tough conditions, and last for years. Learn more about what makes our technology different, and why every element of our design serves an essential function.

Man backpacking in rain with light on backpack.
LuminAID's 2-in-1 power lanterns are designed for use in disaster relief, making them strong enough to withstand unpredictable conditions. With an integrated phone charger, these waterproof and dustproof lanterns meet all the demands of portable energy as a light, phone charger and solar panel.

LuminAID on Shark Tank

“It’s just an ingenious device that, now, is becoming ubiquitous when there’s an emergency or there’s a disaster.”
- Mark Cuban

LuminAID’s cofounders Andrea and Anna with their Shark Tank investor Mark Cuban.

Fundraise For ShelterBox

LuminAID is proud to offer discounted pricing on our solar lanterns and phone chargers to all Rotary club members to support your fundraising for ShelterBox.

Perfect For:

Raffles & Silent Auctions


Education & Advocacy


Festival & Fundraiser Sales


Shine for ShelterBox Dinners


Donor Appreciation Gifts

Shelter box and rotary club case of lights.

Shop for Myself

LuminAID is excited to offer a discount to Rotarians on!

Just use the code ROTARY15 for 15% off your first order.