Notes from the Field

Notes From the Field: Preventing Tragedy in Southern Kenya
After a kerosene lamp was knocked over in the middle of the night, a deadly fire highlighted the need for safe, sustainable light in the village of Mtangani, Kenya.

Notes From the Field: How Light Makes a Difference for Syrian Refugees in Greece
According to the U.N., more than half of all Syrians have been displaced by the country’s civil war, and 5.6 million of these have fled the country, seeking asylum and safety abroad. Over the past several months, our humanitarian partners, Love Without Borders and Refugee Biriyani & Bananas, have made several trips to refugee camps in Greece, bringing with them LuminAID lights and other supplies.

Notes from the Field: How God Is Grace Ministry Made a Difference in Uganda
Every summer, God Is Grace visits the women they sponsor in their homes in Uganda. Over the years, the organization has realized that lack of light was an issue for almost every woman they spoke to. This past summer God Is Grace visited Uganda as a LuminAID nonprofit partner supported by our Subsidy Program, and ninety-eight women received a solar lantern for their homes.

Notes From the Field: The Power of Hope in Sierra Leone
“They literally were dancing with joy when we showed them what the LuminAID solar light was and how to use it. There is no power there, so these lights make a huge impact on a family allowing them to see.”

Solar Light and Power After the Storm: Mercy Corps Responds to Hurricane Florence
LuminAID worked with international humanitarian organization, Mercy Corps, to raise funds for and distribute 1,300 PackLite Hero 2-in-1 Superchargers in North Carolina. The PackLite Hero Superchargers help families to feel safe at night with extra-bright LEDs and allows them to charge their phones and stay connected with emergency services and family members.

Notes From the Field: How World Central Kitchen Fed Hurricane-Ravaged Florida
When Hurricane Michael wreaked havoc along the Florida panhandle, World Central Kitchen was there to feed the survivors by the light of LuminAID solar lantern + phone chargers. Chef Jose Andres, the founder of WCK, flew down to Panama City to help with relief efforts by cooking and distributing hot meals.

Notes From the Field: Photos Show How Dartmouth Alum Brings Hope to Honduras
In November of 2018, Alex Ray joined Honduras Hope for an unforgettable trip to the Yoro region of Honduras. Honduras Hope is a small nonprofit based in New Hampshire that works in several impoverished communities in rural Honduras.

Solar Solutions for Disaster Relief
How can light make a difference after disasters? After a hurricane, fire, storm, or other disaster, many families are left in the dark. Humanitarian organizations often have difficulty getting light to those in need. Light can help families stay safe and comfortable, particularly after disasters. LuminAID is bringing solar light to communities in need worldwide. Learn how we're helping, from Puerto Rico to California.

How Access to Solar Light Increases Availability of Maternity Care in Madagascar
A partnership between the Gosford North Rotary Club and Thrive Madagascar brings safe, energy efficient light to the country's under-electrified regions. Through training women in healthcare skills, this program empowers women to be leaders in their communities and increases levels of access to neonatal and maternity care in historically under-served regions of Madagascar. LuminAID solar lights enable newly trained health workers to expand access to regions that previously relied entirely on daylight to illuminate their homes.